Tuesday, June 28, 2011

JailBreakMe.com updated, hints iPad 2 JailBreak ?

iPhone Dev-Team member, Comex, who is working on iPad 2 jailbreak has once again updated jailbreakme.com which hints towards the release of iPad 2 jailbreak soon. Some weeks ago, Comex updated jailbreakme.com which showed a PDF Exploit which was so called a teaser as said by Comex. This time, the site has been updated with some git commits dating all the way back to August 2010, suggesting that the developer was working on the Jailbreak since a year. Those who don�t know, Comex was the one who Jailbroken the iPad 2 and Apple unexpectedly closed the exploit that was never made public in iOS 4.3.1.
Updated site says big 'It's been far too long' along with git commits. The git commits are basically used to remember what change in the source code was made by whom and when exactly that change was made. Consider git commits to be a log that one can go through to see what changes have been made to a particular code. No specific date or delay has been notified by comex about the jailbreak but we expect it would be released soon.

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